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Milken Scholar 2023
Scholar Profile

Kitty Wang

Computer Science


Kitty Wang, a graduate of Stuyvesant High School, is a rising sophomore at Harvard College studying Computer Science and Mathematics on a joint concentration track with a planned concurrent master’s degree in Computer Science. She is a recipient of the National Center for Women & Information Technology Aspirations in Computing Award, the MIT Dr. Bob Berman Award for Disruptive Innovation and Engineering, and a Featured Artist in an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. During high school, Kitty served as Director of Mentorship for Girls Who Code, Executive Director of StuyHacks, President and founding member of Stuyvesant’s Biology Olympiad, and Sensei for CS Dojo. Outside of her classes at Harvard, she serves as the Director of Logistics at Harvard WECode to host the world’s largest student-run women in tech conference annually in February, coordinates the finances of the Women in CS organization (WiCS) as its Director of Fundraising, and contributes to the Organization of Asian American Sisters in Service (OAASIS) as a Director of Sisterhood. In addition, she works as a teaching fellow for undergraduate CS courses and serves as a Peer Advising Fellow to facilitate the transition to college for incoming freshmen.

High school:  Stuyvesant High School


College Year Degree
Harvard College
Cambridge, MA
2023 B.A. Math
Harvard College
Cambridge, MA
2023 B.S. Computer Science